David Ross

Term: 2022 - 2026
I have been a Del Paso Manor neighbor since 2017. Previously a resident in the City of Sacramento and a transplant from the Bay area in 1969. I am the CEO for a 55-year-old Sacramento active sports and recreation company offering winter sports instruction, travel and guiding. During the off season I am often involved with various small construction projects.
Community service is important to me. Over the years I have served on the Rancho Cordova Park Board, Cordova Planning Advisory Council, Sac City School District Advisory Council, plus a board member for a few non-profits.
As a property owner in another small water district (375 rate payers) I am familiar with the challenges that small districts face.
My business background, community service on boards and advisory councils, knowledge of construction, and small districts, helps me be qualified to serve as one of your five Directors.
AB1825 - Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (D. Ross)(2022).pdfAB1234 - Ethics Training (D. Ross)(2024)(Completed 04.19.2024).pdf